

This happened RIGHT in my city Kitchener, about 10 minutes away from me, a guy was shot dead and dumped on the middle of one of the busiest highways in Canada... Crazy

Police Release Few Details Of Shocking 401 Murder
Wednesday September 10, 2008

What exactly happened on Tuesday afternoon? Police are still looking into the bizarre sequence of events that left part of North America's busiest highway off limits for the entire rush hour and beyond.

Authorities remain tight-lipped about the shocking murder in which a man's body was apparently dumped on the lanes of the country's busiest highway.

Detectives refused to release details of the interview they conducted with a Mississauga woman who was held temporarily after the shocking situation unfolded Tuesday afternoon on the eastbound collectors lanes of Highway 401 near Keele Street.

"We're not going to comment on any people, men or women, who have or are providing information on the investigation. I think that would be unfair to them," Det. Mike Barsky of Toronto Police's Homicide Squad explained.

So far, no arrests have been made and police refuse to speculate on a link to the fatal bus stop shooting that claimed the life of 18-year-old Stephen Barton Monday afternoon. Authorities say they have no reason to believe, right now, that the two crimes are connected.

The victim of Tuesday's murder, reported to be 29-years-old, has been identified, but his name is being withheld.

There are reports the vehicle the victim was apparently thrown from - a champagne-coloured Lexus, which was found about an hour later at 2 Armel Ct., right in front of the Humber Valley Golf Course - belonged to the woman who was taken in for questioning, but that hasn't been confirmed.

The man tumbled out of the speeding vehicle around 2:45pm. It still isn't clear if he was dead when he was tossed from the vehicle or if he was killed from being struck by oncoming traffic, or, if he was actually dumped from the car or if he was trying to escape. An autopsy is scheduled for Wednesday.